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Home > AI Prostate Cancer (Pca) Detection

AI Prostate Cancer (Pca) Detection

    AI Prostate Cancer (Pca) Detection

    an educational experience

    Diagnosis of Pca is based on the grading of prostate tissue biopsies. These tissue samples are examined by a pathologist and scored according to the Gleason grading system. 
    The AI Prostate Cancer Detection project aims to show to students how Artificial Intelligence can help the pathologists with score predictions using a set of images previously labeled and “making the neural network learning from the images”.
    The project is based on a Kaggle competion1 and use around 11,000 whole-slide images of digitized H&E-stained biopsies originating from two centers. 
    The students can experiment the training phase with different models as well as the inference, estimating the accuracy and reliability of the suggested models.
    The project will encourage to learn and practice AI in their future employments.

    Massimiliano Porzio