About HPC4AI
HPC4AI, the Turin’s High-Performance Centre for Artificial Intelligence (coord. Prof. Marco Aldinucci)
The first goal of HPC4AI is to establish a large and modern laboratory to co-design with industries and SMEs research and technology transfer projects. HPC4AI has been co-funded by Regione Piemonte via EU POR-FESR 2014-2020 with 4.5M€ and will ready for service at beginning of 2019.
HPC4AI@UNITO is a research infrastructure aiming at aims at designing, developing and operating experimental, innovative applications and services at the convergence between High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence. HPC4AI@UNITO is part of the federated cloud infrastructures organised in 4 data-centres funded with 4.5M€ by Piedmont Region, the University of Torino and the Polytechnic University of Torino under the INFRA-P 2018 call.

Our Team

Prof. Marco Aldinucci
Architect & President
Full professor at the University of Torino, P.I. of the research group on parallel programming models. Italian national delegate in the EuroHPC governing board.
Marco’s webpage

Prof. Marco Beccuti
He is Assistant professor at Computer Science Department of the University of Torino and technical coordinator of ELIXIR Node of the University of Turin. He is also PI of “Quantitative Biology” group.
Marco’s webpage

Dr. Sergio Rabellino
Technical director & Operations manager
Research Technician at the University of Torino, expert in System Administration, Eidomatics, elearning and HPC, cooperate with the corresponding research groups in the University of Torino.
Sergio’s webpage

Dr. Simone Donetti
Lead Developer
He is research technician at the Computer Science Department of the University of Torino.

Dr. Iacopo Colonnelli
Post-doctoral researcher
Post-doctoral researcher in Computer Science at Università di Torino (UniTO). His research focuses on both statistical and computational aspects of data analysis at large scale.
Iacopo’s webpage

Dr. Barbara Cantalupo
Research Engineer
Barbara Cantalupo is Research Engineer and a Project Manager at University of Torino (UniTO). Her research is focused on Workflows, cloud and containers for HPC.
Barbara’s webpage

Dr. Valentina Di Noi
Web Designer
She received a university master’s degree in Communication and Multimedia Management for Communication at the University of Turin. She works as a designer in the Computer Science Department. Linkedinpage