XNAT-PIC: XNAT for Preclinical Imaging Centers
XNAT for Preclinical Imaging Center (XNAT-PIC) has been developed to extend XNAT’s basic functionalities to meet the needs of preclinical imaging facilities. XNAT (www.xnat.org) is a popular open-source imaging informatics platform to store, process and share image-related studies.
XNAT-PIC is a suite of tools developed for XNAT-based platforms to support preclinical imaging. It consists of
• MRI2DICOM, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging converter from ParaVision® (Bruker, Inc. Billerica, MA) file format to DICOM standard
• XNAT-PIC Uploader to import multi-modal imaging studies with multiple subjects to XNAT
• XNAT-PIC Pipelines, a set of processing pipelines built on top of in-house scripts than can be easily tailored to your needs.
Sara Zullino
Project link: XNAT-PIC